Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Redding Bethel Church purchase old Shopko building destroy duck pond drive homeless out

 Wow, just wow.

Jesus told us their would be days like this....

Imagine a major regional Christian organization, ( Bethel )  purchasing an old ShopKo and then driving out the homeless away from the building that gave them shade and comfort during one of Redding's  hottest , smoky , most miserable summers to date.

Then confining them to an area and pond that has been denuded of many old growth trees, heating and evaporating the water quickly were many fish and ducks are desperately trying to survive.

It is a spiritual trade off really that the community at large should be made aware of, and the fruits that are being produced.

Is this the beginning of the dreamed of Pentecostal museum giving homage to the so called great charismatic evangelist of yesterday? 

It makes one wonder again why Bethel folks forsake the word of God leaving human flesh and blood suffering while you continue to worship the golden calf of capitalism at any cost.

Do you really think you can drive out Jesus Christ's "least of the brethren" so He will come back sooner?

You really think you can raise the dead? Then why are there so many homeless just outside the back door of your Church, and all your buildings?

Unable to raise the spiritual dead, you leave them laying in the dirt to suffer...

 Do you do what you do in Jesus Christ Name Bethel Church? Or the name of tragedy...

God is watching you .... I pray the community does as well ... 

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